Tuesday, July 28, 2009

LA and the US Open of Surfing

July 24 - 27, 2009

This weekend I went to Los Angeles to do a little work, hang out with some friends and go to the US Open of Surfing. I didn’t have much time to blog, so here are the highlights of the trip.

I stayed with friends in Manhattan Beach and had an awesome time. They live a few blocks up from “The Strand” so each morning my friend and I would get up and go for a walk along the beach and then get breakfast at Noah’s bagels. Each morning I had egg on a whole wheat bagel. It was scrumptious. I also learned that if you order your breakfast to go, even if you plan to eat it in, you don’t have to pay sales tax. Thanks for the tip Marg ;~)

On Saturday I went down to Huntington Beach with my friend Lauren and a few of her friends. It was a blast. The surf was unusually high and the surfers were insanely talented. The size of the event was bigger than I was anticipating. It was estimated that over the course of the event more than 100,000 people would attend. As part of the festivities Hurley (the surf company) brought in musical acts to play free concerts on the beach. Beachside concerts are awesome. I would highly recommend them to anyone who has the chance to experience one. The concert we saw was particularly fun for Lauren and me because it was performed by Mat Kearney, a native Eugenian and fellow Axeman.

Sunday was a very relaxed day that included shopping and a really fun dinner with friends. The friends I stayed with, Chris and Margaret, had six of us for dinner. Guests included Marg’s sister Alex, her boyfriend Frank, Lauren and myself.

Monday consisted of meeting with a client, having lunch with another friend and hunting for a basketball hoop with the Hollywood sign behind it. I would term that hunt mediumly successful. I took a picture I am fairly happy with but there is one hoop that I would like to try to photograph again in the future. The only complication is that I will need a ladder to take it properly. I’m not sure how I will manage that... but at some point I will...

Until the next trip,


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