Monday, March 1, 2010

Baby Tigers!

Happy Birthday Joycie! Along with being our first full day in Cabo, today is Joyce’s birthday. Joyce is a fan of celebrating birthday days, birthday months and birthday weeks. It just so happens that since she is a first of the month birthday that all of things happen on the same day for her.

Jason had to work today and Joyce wanted to explore the resort, so I hiked around with her in the morning time. The MCE is way up in the hills. There are two resort below that we are allowed to frequent. So we trekked down to those to check out the pools and other facilities. Upon returning to our condo we found R2 in the pool and decided to join them. After a while a decision was made that the kids would head downtown to explore before returning to the hotel for a Mexican buffet fiesta birthday dinner for Joycie.

We hopped on our hotel’s shuttle to go downtown. The MCE also has a sister-hotel on the main beach in downtown and they will give you a free ride there. We wandered a bit through the hotel and ended up on the beach out front. Jason wanted to go to the marina to talk to the guys who were taking him fishing on the weekend. It was approximately a mile walk down the beach. We had a nice stroll and weren’t offered too many drugs.

The marina in Cabo is super nice. One of the bigger marinas I’ve seen actually. There were a couple super nice yachts from Portland docked, which we all thought was pretty cool. After waiting for Jason at the fishing store forever we decided to cruise toward an alley that looked it had some local shopping stalls. We walked by a sign with a baby tiger that looked super cute, at which point I realized the sign was advertising the opportunity to hold a baby tiger right there!

Joyce has often said, “I want a baby tiger,” so it seemed fortuitous for us to find one to hold on her 26 birthday. There was a family in front of us that took forever to take their turn. The 9 week old baby girl tiger whose name I never learned didn’t seemed thrilled about being held but she didn’t seem to hate it either. I’m not sure if the tiger was drugged/trained, if Mexicans’ don’t worry about liability like Americans or if Joyce and I were just a little crazy to hold a potentially viscous animal. Regardless I knew on the first day I had achieved my trip highlight. And now I want to have a baby tiger for a pet.

After taking a few minutes too long with both the fishing store and the tiger we really had to hustle to make the 5:30 pm shuttle so that we would be home to make it to our 6:30 pm dinner reservation. In the midst of our hustle and getting distracted by a soccer game, I managed to spain my ankle in a pothole. It was a classic Katy move and as soon as I did it (I almost fell to ground in the process) I knew it was going to be quite a good sprain. What I didn’t notice immediately was that I also apparently stubbed two of my toes on my left foot while catching myself. I was wearing flip flops and within a twenty or so steps my foot was covered in blood. It was sweet. My foot looked like it had been mauled by a tiger! I didn’t have anything on me to deal with this problem and we still had to hustle for the shuttle, so I just went with it. As we turned into the hotel parking lot the shuttle was pulling out. Thankfully, the bus driver stopped and let us hop on. Thankfully I think the rest of the passengers on the bus were too busy teasing us for cutting it close to notice that my foot was covered in blood.

Upon reentering the condo I had lots of fun telling mom and dad that I had been mauled by a tiger. They thought my foot was gross and asked what really happened. I was like, “no seriously” and I showed them the picture of Joyce and me holding the tiger. Then they got really got confused, at which point I explained that “we got to hold a baby tiger” and then in independent news I managed to trip and hurt myself while hurriedly walking and watching soccer.

We all then cleaned up and hopped in a shuttle to dinner. Dinner was a gynormous Mexican buffet. It was decently good. The best part was the opportunity to try a little bit of a lot of stuff. We took particular advantage of this at dessert. We had A LOT of dessert. The restaurant also brought Joycie a piece of cake with a candle in it. She thanked them, made a wish and blew the candle out. Mom and dad looked confused because they had purchased a special chocolate cake for Joyce earlier in the day and arranged for an after dinner delivery. Eventually the correct chocolate cake showed up to the table at which point we were all in dessert overload. We took the whole cake back to the condo for consumption throughout the week.

All of the food has also led to an outbreak of food comas throughout the condo. To that end we are calling it a relatively early night. Another very happy birthday to Joycie and congrats on getting to “hold a baby tiger!” I think I loved it at least as much, if not more than you did.

Goodnight from Cabo,


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