Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gaga Turned Country

Boston, MA
May 18 - 21, 2011

This week I went to visit my good buddy Ilsa in Boston. Ilsa is finally moving back to Oregon after living in Massachusetts for the last ten years. I figured it was only appropriate to make one last trek east before Ilsa’s return.

I arrived late Wednesday night or technically Thursday morning. By the time we made it to Ilsa’s apartment and chatted for a bit it was past 2AM. Ilsa took Thursday off from work, so we could hang out. After catching up on our sleep and a little morning work we spent the afternoon at the Museum of Science watching the Imax film Tornado Alley. This movie was insane. A good part of it was about Sean Casey, a guy who spent 8 years building a car he could drive into the center of a tornado. Not surprisingly the climax was his successful footage from the actual INSIDE of a tornado. Below is a picture of the car used to go inside the storm:

On our walk back to Ilsa’s car we got drenched. I knew it was supposed to rain in the afternoon but somehow I let Ilsa talk me out of bringing my rain jacket. Getting drenched serves me right for listening to a teacher!

Thursday night there were sporting events going on all over Boston, so I thought it would be fun to go to a local bar and see the masses cheer for their teams. I let Ilsa pick the bar since she is the one with the local knowledge. She decided we should go to a place called Champions. This bar is located inside the Marriott at Copley Place. It did not disappoint. The food was actually pretty good for a bar, the fans were rowdy cheering for the Bruins and the Red Sox and the people watching was amazing. I’m fairly certain the first half of our evening we had a couple ladies and their Johns sitting next to us. I wish I had a picture of the women’s outfits but unfortunately I don’t.

Ilsa had to work Friday so I spent Friday morning doing some work myself before taking the T down to meet her at school. Riding public transportation always reminds me why I am happy I don’t live in a big city. The T on Friday afternoon is crowded and involves a lot of waiting. Anyone who knows me knows I’m not a huge fan of either of those things.

At 5:30PM or so Ilsa wrapped up her last task at school and we set out on our drive to the Comcast Center in Mansfield, Ma to see Matt Nathanson, Little Big Town and Sugar Land. The draw to this show for me was primarily Matt Nathanson, the opener’s opener. His sound isn’t country at all but Little Big Town and Sugar Land are both country bands. I’m not a huge fan of country but I thoroughly enjoyed these bands. The highlight of the night may have been during Little Big Town’s set. Evidently Little Big Town often covers a song during its set. Once during a “meet and greet” a fan asked Little Big Town if it could cover Lady Gaga. Below is the band's answer:

It was late by the time Ilsa and I got back to Boston but not too late for dessert. We decided to head to Davis Square for some JP Lick’s Ice Cream. We enjoyed eating outside on this balmy May night before going back to the apartment and crashing.

Saturday morning Ilsa and I took a walk around her neighborhood. Our walk led to one of her favorite breakfast spots. We had to wait an hour but then enjoyed a nice, long leisurely breakfast in the sun. I’m now at the airport waiting for my return flight home. I’m excited that this is likely the last time I will have to fly to see Ilsa!

Until the next adventure,

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